Company Name | |
Professional field | |
PIC code | 135003 |
Website | |
Address | Minimax Metals & Plywood PVT. LTD. Court Road Jagadhri, Haryana |
City | Jagadhri |
Country | India |
Phone | |
Organization Type | Receiving Organization, Sending Organization, Intermediary Organization |
Contact Person | Minimax Metals & Plywood Pvt. Ltd. |
Position (contact person) | Minimax Plywood |
Phone (contact person) | |
Email (contact person) | |
About us | Minimax Metals & Plywood is founded in the year 2003 and also an ISO 9001:2001 certified company which is counted India’s best Plywood Manufactures Near Me. Our design plywood is widely used to office and home kitchen interior design. Our products are known for Excellent Strength, Durability, waterproof, termite-free, etc. This plywood is made with high Quality, unexpended PF resin and meets all the specifications.