Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
                                    conduct a working activity as

          UC01            employed or autonomous                                                          





1. Understand and manage the contractual and fiscal aspects of professional services rendered in the form of paid employment or self-employment.






The Learner knows and understands:


the contractual aspects on the professional performance;

the necessary procedures for the proper exercise of a self-employment or or quasi-subordinate contract.

The Learner is able to:


Define the contractual aspects of professional performance;

manage the tax and social security obligations required for the activity in question.

The Learner:

specifies independently the contractual aspects of the professional performance verifing the applicability and correctness of the employment contract in relation to the type of performance required.

exercises properly and indipendently  a  self-employment or quasi-subordinate contract:

– managing indipendently the procedures required to start an autonomous, by contract and fixed-term contract  professional activity.

– managing autonomously the compulsory tax and social security obligations.

▪ Understanding the features and the aspects of the contracts;

▪ Defining the terms of the contract in relation to the performance requested;

▪ Managing the tax and social security aspects;

▪ Observing the correct application of contractual provisions.

▪ Contractual and fiscal aspects of professional services rendered in the form of paid employment or self-employment understood and managed
                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
                              practice as a qualified attendant

        UC02              (skilled worker) into the kitchen           





1. Understand and manage the regulatory aspects of the provision of professional qualified officer in the kitchen.





The Learner knows and understands:


the conditions of the provision of professional kitchen worker (CAO reference, regional and national principles and standards for the catering service in the form of company);

the types and characteristics of the professionals in the catering sector, the kitchen and the dining room staff: roles, tasks and responsibilities.

The Learner is able to:


Negotiate the conditions of the professional service, stiputale different contracts for the provision, start and manage the process of requesting authorization to pursue the delivering of food and beverages in the region;

Distinguish the different features of the different professional roles operating in the catering sector and to understand the relationship of subordination and coordination existing between himself/herself and the other members of the staff.

The Learner:

defines the conditions of the professional service:

bargaining for the conditions of professional performance, taking in account the system applicable to the buyer regarding the contractual and economic available incentives;

stipulating various performance contracts, in compliance with the civil and fiscal norms – general and specific – applicable.

identifies the characteristics of the professional performance of all the professional roles involved in the catring sector:

– recognising the characteristics of the various professional roles in the catering industry (reference activities, levels of responsibility, etc.), paying particular attention to the features and the task of his/her own role.

– acting autonomously and with problem solving, taking in account the existing subordination and coordination relationships between himself/herself and other members of the brigade.

▪ Understanding the needs and expectations of the buyer and specify the conditions;

▪ Evaluating, proposing and agreeing on any changes to be made;

▪ Detecting, analyzeing, and evaluating working conditions in relation to the requested services.


▪ Regulatory aspects of the provision of professional qualified officer in the kitchen understood and managed.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
                                       plan the food and the wine

         UC03                 and define the need for supply           





1. Process the menu taking into account the constraints of the case and define the procurement needs to make it happen.


The Learner knows and understands:


the fundamentals of dietetics and nutrition, production of raw materials;

business planning and economic management of a catering company.

The Learner is able to:


process the menu so to make the gastronomic result attractive, balanced and appropriate to the type of customers;

define the need to supply the necessary resources for the realization of the dishes included in a gastronomic offer.

The Learner:


prepares a menu taking in account the features of the various types of costumers and the nutritional and dietetics characterisics of the raw materials;


makes the menu appealing according to the type of clientele;

organizes the resources for the ralization of the offers.


▪ Developing the menu so that the gastronomic offer is attractive, balanced and adapted to the type of clientele;

▪ Defining the gastronomic offer (appetizers, first and second dishes, various dishes; side dishes; dessert) taking into account: type of locale, customer base and

potential; Seasonality of products; material, human and economic resources for make it happen; nutritional value of foods;

▪ Defining specific culinary offers such as tasting  menus, seasonal, thematic and tourist menus;

▪ Defining gastronomic offerings related to the regional culinary tradition;

▪ Managing the catering business from an economic point of view;

▪ Defining the necessities of supplying the resources needed for the realization of the dishes entered in the menu, identifying what –quantitatively- resources are needed, paying attention to raw material costs too through the use of dedicated IT tools;

▪ Determining or collaborate on pricing definition activities in restaurants;

▪ Managing and tracking revenue management strategies in catering company.


▪ Constraints of the cases to prepare the menu Processed and needs for supply defined.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC04                 operate in the catering sector          20            1
1. Understand the characteristics and peculiarities of the restaurant industry and the possible contexts of employment.


The Learner knows and understands:


the characteristics of different types and catering formulas in terms of basic features; reference processes; culinary offerings; customer type; european, national and regional regulation applicable;

the basic knowledge related to the functioning of the catering system, market and customer analysis elements and main trends in the sector.

The Learner is able to:


analyse the restaurant industry, its characteristics and its relationship with other areas of the tourism sector;

place the catering offer in the context of a more general supply of tourism services system in which professional activity is provided.

The Learner:

examines the catering sector in its entirety, specially what are its distinctive features and how interacts with the other tourist services;

identifies the different types of catering in terms of fundamental features; processes; gastronomic offerings; client typology; european, national and regional legislation;

identifies the system where the offer is inserted, the evolution of process, product and context that affects the catering industry;

places the offer as part of the most general tourist services.   

▪ Identifing clearly the area of activity and potentiality of market;

▪ Deeply understanding demand and competition areas;

▪ Identifing economic and territorial indicators and characteristics about tourism and catering;

▪ Knowing the profitability thresholds.


▪ Characteristics and peculiarities of the restaurant industry and possible contexts of employment understood.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC05              Prepare and store semi-finished

                                             products (kitchen)  

220           13
1. Prepare and store the semi-finished products in view of their use for the finished dishes and their subsequent marketing.


The Learner knows and understands:

the sector of marketable goods;

the safe handling and processing of semi-finished raw products;

sizing techniques, filleting and cleaning of meat and fish;

the recipes for the preparation of sauces and condiments;

the basic theoretical knowledge necessary for preparing sweet and savory dough to be suitable for their use in the preparation of the dishes.

The Learner is able to:

prepare and store semi-finished products for the subsequent preparation of the dishes phases;

safely handling and processing semi-finished raw products;

to size, using the appropriate techniques, filleting and cleaning meat and fish;

apply the recipes for the preparation of sauces and condiments;

prepare sweet and savory dough to use for the preparation of dishes.

The Learner:

autonomously chooses the right system of storage and preparation of semi-finished products;

applies the appropriate processing and handling of semi-finished raw products;

uses different filetting, cleaning and sizing techniques according to type of meat and fish;

prepares different types of sauces and condiments;

prepares the appropriate sweet and savory dough to use for the preparation of dishes

▪ Preparing raw vegetables, even preserved with cold techniques, so that they are suitable for use in preparing dishes;

▪ Choosing the plants in quality and quantity suitable for the realization of the dishes in the program;

▪ Washing, peeling, cutting and baking the vegetables;

▪ Choosing the raw materials in quality and quantity suitable for the preparation of the selected doughs to make the dishes in the program;

▪ Preparing sweet and salty dough by applying the appropriate processing techniques and using special pots and utensils so that they are suitable for use in preparing dishes;

▪ Preparing sauces and seasonings so that they are suitable for use in preparing the dishes;

▪ Choosing the raw materials in quality and quantity to prepare sauces and seasonings to use to make the dishes in the program;

▪ Preparing sauces and seasonings by applying the appropriate cooking techniques and using special pots and utensils;

▪ Storing raw materials and semi-finished products for their subsequent use in the preparation of finished dishes;

▪ Applying systems and methods of preservation of raw and semi-processed foods.

▪ Semi-finished products needed for the finished dishes prepared and stored.
                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC06                   prepare hot and cold appetizer       120                                                                                                      7
1. Prepare the main hot and cold appetizers identifying the ingredients, preparation techniques and cooking methods to use.


The Learner knows and understands:


the basic recipes for the preparation of hot and cold appetizers;

the ingredients for the  preparation of hot and cold appetizers;

the preparation techniques, cooking methods and their goodness and quality indicators, for the preparation of hot and cold appetizers.

The Learner is able to:


prepare hot and cold appetizers;

prepare hot and cold appetizers, using the proper ingredients;

use different preparation techniques, cooking methods and their goodness and quality indicators for the preparation of hot and cold appetizers.

The Learner:


applies different recipes for the preparation of hot and cold appetizers;

identifies, also including the use of technical sheets, the ingredients (raw materials and semi-finished products) most suitable to achieve the programmed dishes;

uses cooking methods and preparation techinques, identifying the most suitable one according to the programmed dish.

▪ Choosing the ingredients (raw materials and semi-finished products) in quality and quantity suitable for preparing hot and cold appetizers;

▪ Identifing the most appropriate ingredients to make the dishes in the program, in the amount needed and evaluating the quality;

▪ Combining (hot / cold) the ingredients, using the appropriate techniques and tools, according to the sequence indicated by the recipe;

▪ Cooking the ingredients, either separately or together, as prescribed by the recipe, using the most appropriate cooking techniques, in accordance with the appropriate times and temperatures;

▪ Checking the consistency and flavor of the appetizer using the tools provided and make any corrective action if the quality level found is not as high as expected.


▪ Ingredients, preparation techniques and cooking methods to prepare the main hot and cold appetizers identified.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC07                  prepare first courses (pasta,

                                              rice and similar)           

300              18,5  
1. Prepare first courses identifying the ingredients, the preparation techniques and cooking methods to be used.










The Learner knows and understands:



the marketable goods in order to identify the ingredients for the preparation of first courses;

the basic recipes for the preparation of first courses;

the theoretical knowledge of ingredients, preparation techniques, cooking methods and their goodness and quality indicators for the preparation of first courses.









The Learner is able to:



prepare first courses identifying the proper ingredients;

prepare different first courses, apllying the cooking techniques of the case;

take the raw materials and the semi-finished products in a sufficient quantity for the realization of the planned dishes and to pre-treat the ingredients which require upstream treatment for their use for the preparation of finished dishes in the most.









The Learner:



identifies, also including the use of technical sheets, the ingredients (raw materials and semi-finished products) most suitable to achieve the programmed dishes;

applies indipendently different recipes for the preparation of different types of first courses;

selects autonomously the raw materials evaluating their quality.


▪ Choosing the ingredients (raw materials and semi-finished products) in quality and quantity suitable for preparing the first dishes;

▪ Identifing the most suitable ingredients to make the dishes plan;

▪ Select raw materials by evaluating their quality;

▪ Taking raw materials and semi-finished products in sufficient quantities to prepare the dishes;

▪ Pre-treat as appropriate the ingredients that need up-to-date treatments for the preparation of finished dishes;

▪ Preparing fresh stuffed pasta using special pots and utensils;

▪ Preparing ingredients for filling;

▪ Making the amalgam of the ingredients using the tools and techniques of the case;

▪ Checking the consistency and flavor of the filling using the tools provided and make any corrective action if the quality level found is not as high as expected;

▪ Inserting the prepared mixture into the previously prepared laminate paste;

▪ Preparing rice, fresh pasta and dry pasta, using the appropriate cooking techniques and using special pots and utensils;

▪ Combining (hot / cold) the ingredients that will make the dish seasoning, using the appropriate techniques and instruments according to the recipe indicated by the recipe;

▪ Cooking ingredients, condiment and fresh / dry rice / pasta, separately or in combination, as prescribed by the recipe, using the most appropriate cooking techniques, taking into account the appropriate times and temperatures;

▪ Checking the consistency and flavor of the first dish using the tools provided and make any corrective action if the quality level found is not as high as expected;

▪ Preparing broths and soups by applying the appropriate cooking techniques and using special pots and utensils;

▪ Boiling the ingredients (meat, fish, vegetables) in appropriately flavored water, using the appropriate techniques and instruments according to the sequence indicated by the recipe and in accordance with the expected times;

▪ Providing, if necessary, a superficial foaming of emerging impurities;

▪ Cooking in the prepared pasta or rice mixture (if provided);

▪ Checking the consistency and flavor of the first dish using the tools provided and make any corrective action if the quality level found is not up to what is expected.

▪ Ingredients, preparation techniques and cooking methods to prepare the first courses identified
                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC08                 prepare second courses (meat,

                                             fish and similar)          

240               15   
1. Prepare the main second dishes of meat and fish products by identifying the ingredients, preparation techniques and cooking methods to use.


The Learner knows and understands:

the basic recipes for the preparation of second courses based on meat;

the basic recipe for the preparation of second dishes based on fish products;

the theoretical knowledge of ingredients, preparation techniques, cooking methods and their goodness and quality indicators for the preparation of second courses based on meat;

the theoretical knowledge of ingredients, preparation techniques, cooking methods and their goodness and quality indicators, in order to prepare main courses of seafood dishes.

The Learner is able to:

prepare second courses identifying the proper ingredients;

prepare different second courses based on fish, applying the cooking techniques of the case;

take the raw materials and the semi-finished products in a sufficient quantity for the realization of the planned dishes and to pre-treat the ingredients which require upstream treatment for their use for the preparation of finished second courses based on meat;

take the raw materials and the semi-finished products in a sufficient quantity for the realization of the planned dishes and to pre-treat the ingredients which require upstream treatment for their use for the preparation of finished main courses based on seafood.

The Learner:

identifies autonomously the necessary ingredients correctly and apply methodologies and procedures to prepare second courses based on meat.;

identifies autonomously the necessary ingredients correctly and apply methodologies and procedures to prepare second courses based on fish;

applies indipendently the procedures necessary to make products suitable for preparing recipes of second courses based on meat, taking in account the required quantities and time;

applies indipendently  the procedures necessary to make products suitable for preparing recipes of second courses based on seafood, taking in account the required quantities and time.

▪ Identifing, including by means of technical data sheets, the ingredients (substances raw and semi-finished products) to make the dishes available;

▪ Selecting the raw materials by evaluating the quality;

▪ Taking raw materials and semi – finished products in sufficient quantities to make the dishes planned;

▪ Combining (hot / cold) ingredients in the preparation of the dish, using the techniques and tools of the case according to the succession shown from the recipe;

▪ Cooking the ingredients separately or together (as provided by the Recipe), taking into account the appropriate times and temperatures, using the techniques of cooking;

▪ Checking the consistency and flavor of the second basic dishes (in itinere/ ex post) of meat and fish, using the tools provided and make any interventions / corrections if the quality level found was not up to what expected;

▪ Combining (hot / cold) ingredients in the preparation of the dish;

▪ Using techniques and tools of the case according to the succession shown from the recipe;

▪ Cooking the ingredients separately or together (as provided by the recipe), taking into account the appropriate times and temperatures, using the techniques of cooking;

▪ Cooking the ingredients separately or together (as provided by the recipe), taking into account the appropriate times and temperatures, using the techniques of cooking.

▪ Ingredients, preparation techniques and cooking methods to use to prepare the main second dishes of meat and fish identified.
                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC09                  Prepare various dished based

                                           on eggs and/or cheese  

60                 4  
1. Prepare the various dishes based on eggs and/or types of cheese identifying ingredients, cooking techniques and methods to use.


The Learner knows and understands:


the marketable goods of the sector;

the basic recipe for the preparation of second dishes based on eggs and/or types of cheese;

ingredients, preparation techniques, cooking methods and their goodness and quality indicators for the preparation of second courses based on eggs and/or types of cheese.

The Learner is able to:


identify the ingredients for the cooking of second dishes based on eggs and/or types of cheese;

prepare different second courses based on eggs and/or types of cheese.

take the raw materials and the semi-finished products in a sufficient quantity for the realization of the planned dishes and to pre-treat the ingredients which require upstream treatment for their use for the preparation of finished second courses based on eggs and/or types of cheese.

The Learner:


proceeds independently in the choice of the ingredients, evaluating the quality, according to the necessity of the dish to prepare;

applies with autonomy and creativity recipicpies to prepare dishes based on eggs and/or cheese;

applies indipendently  the procedures necessary to make products suitable for preparing recipes, taking in account the required quantities and time.



▪ Identifing, also by means of technical data sheets, the ingredients (raw materials and semi-finished products) best suited for the planned dishes;

▪ Selecting the raw materials by evaluating the quality;

▪ Taking raw materials and semi-finished products into sufficient quantities to prepare the dishes;

▪ Combining (hot / cold) the ingredients provided in the dish preparation, using the appropriate techniques and instruments according to the sequence indicated by the recipe;

▪ Cooking the ingredients separately or together, keeping in mind the timing and the appropriate temperatures, using the most appropriate cooking techniques for the preparation of: salty, soufflé, crisps, omelettes and other products;

▪ Checking the consistency and flavor of the dishes using the supplied tools and make any corrective action if the quality level found is not as high as expected.

▪ Ingredients, preparation techniques and cooking methods to use to prepare various dishes based on eggs and/or cheese identified.
                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC10              prepare traditional umbrian dishes       120                                                                                                      7
1. Prepare the typical dishes of the traditional Umbrian cuisine. The Learner knows and understands:


the marketable goods of the sector;

the regional recipes for the preparation of typical dishes of the Umbrian traditional cuisine;

techniques of preparation, cooking methods and tools and utensils used in the regional cuisine in order to use them in the preparation of dishes of the Umbrian tradition.

The Learner is able to:


identify the ingredients for the preparation of typical dishes of the Umbrian traditional cuisine;

prepare a menu of the traditional regional cuisine;

take the raw materials and the semi-finished products in a sufficient quantity for the realization of the planned dishes and to pre-treat the ingredients which require upstream treatment for their use for the preparation of typical dishes of the Umbrian traditional cuisine.

The Learner:


proceeds independently in the choice of the ingredients, evaluating the quality, according to the necessity of the dish to prepare;

applies with autonomy and creativity recipies to prepare dishes based on Umbrian traditional cuisine;

applies indipendently the procedures necessary to make products suitable for preparing recipes, taking in account the required quantities and time.


▪ Finding the recipes typical of Umbrian territory;

▪ Finding the typical ingredients of regional cuisine;

▪ Finding the tools and devices indicated for the dishes of regional culinary tradition;

▪ Creating, from the elements found, the chosen dishes.


▪ Ingredients, preparation techniques and cooking methods to use to prepare Umbrian dishes identified.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC11              prepare patissierie products       120                                                                                                      7
1. Prepare sweet products identifying ingredients and semi-finished products and using the adequate techniques of preparation and cooking. The Learner knows and understands:


procedures, techniques and tools of amalgamation and mixture of the ingredients (hot/cold);

leavening agents and processes;

forming processes and technique;

cooking techniques and procedures (cakes, fresh and dry desserts)

production and manufacturing of chocolate

timing, temperature and methods of cooking;

cooking techniques, progress and cooling control;

the basic recipe book;

local national and international cakes;

recipes suitable for food intolerance.

The Learner is able to:


choose the ingredients (raw material and semi-finished products) according to the quality and quantity suitable for the preparation patisserie products;

prepare patisserie products using the adequate cooking techniques and tools;

The Learner:


proceeds independently in the choice of the ingredients, evaluating the quality, according to the necessity of the sweet/cake  to prepare;

prepares with autonomy and creativity recipies sweets products according to the cooking techniques and processes;

applies indipendently the procedures necessary to make products suitable for preparing recipes, taking in account the required quantities and time.


▪ Identifying the most suitable ingredients according to technical sheets;

▪ Using properly tools, equipment and boxes;

▪ Choosing the raw material and semi-finished products evaluating quality and quantity;

▪ Producing sweets and cakes for pastry shops and restaurants using the adequate techniques;

▪ Carrying out the forming  of the dough according to the different products;

▪ Producing and manufacturing chocolate;

▪ Carrying out correctly cooking and controlling operations;

▪ Implementing variations to the sweets preparation;


▪ Sweet products prepared with the identification of ingredients and semi-finished products and the use of the adequate techniques of preparation and cooking.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC12            prepare stuffing and decoration

                                          (cakes and desserts)     

40                                                                                                       2,5
1. Realize the stuffing, decoration and presentation of patisserie products using appropriate ingredients e semi-finished products and adopting the preparation techniques. The Learner knows and understands:


the technique of stuffing and decoration of the patisserie products;

the main ingredients and  semi-finished products (fondant, toppings, flowers and fruits);

the main preservatives;

tools and equipment of modelling, colouring and decoration.

The Learner is able to:



use specific techniques of stuffing, decoration and garnishing;

The Learner:


proceeds independently in the choice of the ingredients and semi-finished products, evaluating the quality, according to the necessity of the stuffing or decoration to prepare;

applies with autonomy and creativity recipies to prepare stuffing and decoration according to specific technique;

applies indipendently the procedures necessary to make products suitable for the prepararion of patisserie products, taking in account the required quantities and time.

uses properly tools and equipment appropriate for the preparation of stuffing and decoration


▪ Planning the aesthetic look and the structure of a patisserie product;

▪ Carrying out the garnishing of the product using the appropriate raw material and covering;

▪ Using technique of modelling, colouring and decoration;

▪ Producing the stuffing according to different form of dough;

▪ Checking and improving the aesthetic result by producing adjustments.


▪ Stuffing, decoration and presentation of patisserie products using appropriate ingredients e semi-finished products and adopting the preparation techniques realized.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC13                     monitor the stocks of food       20                                                                                                        1
1. Monitoring the stocks considering the procurement plan decided and define the demand of commodities for the restaurants. The Learner knows and understands:


the management of food stocks and rules of the sector, in order to be able to manage and monitor the stocks considering the procurement plan;

the quality check of food and hygiene of the reception and storage process.

The Learner is able to:


check the availability in the warehouse/ storeroom of the raw materials necessary for the realization of the dishes on the menu;

apply/preside the storage process and comply with the hygiene procedures.

The Learner:


is ready to  be responsible for inventory and monitoring the state of preservation of food in compliance with hygiene rules and the supply requirements of the restaurant.


▪ Presiding over the supply operations;

▪ Checking availability in the warehouse/dispensing of the raw materials necessary for the realization of the menu dishes;

▪ Completing the list (quantitave and qualitative) of the missing raw materials for the preparation of the dishes to be made;

▪ Appling the purchasing procedures in force.


▪ Procurement plan decided; stocks of food monitored; demand of commodities for the restaurants defined.

▪ stocks of food monitored;

▪ demand of commodities for the reastaurants defined.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC14              organize the workplace and

                       program the sequenze of order processing      

90                                                                                                        6
1. Organise the mobile workplace according to the preparation of receips and define the sequence of order processing, and accordingly assign tasks to the members of the kitchen’s staff. The Learner knows and understands:


the kitchen tools: characteristics, functioning and uses; control and security devices; and concerning the technical terminology;

the organisation of the mobile workplace in order to be able to fix it according to the preparation of the recipes to realize and be able to define sequence of order processing;

the management of factors and of time in order to be able to organise the staff of the kitchen and manage parallel operations which require the use of one or more common factors;

The Learner is able to:


organise the mobile workplace with tools and instruments;

analyse the orders from the dining-room and define the sequence of order processing;

modify the order of the different phases of preparation of the dishes, based on the detection of possible delays.

The Learner:


sets up the organization of the mobile workplace, choosing the right tools and complying with safety and hygiene standards;

adapts the organization of the mobile workplace based on what emerges from the analysis of the orders and establishes the sequence of actions to be performed to satisfy them;

manages time, human resources and materials so as to flexibly organize the various steps necessary to make the dishes even on the basis of possible upgrades and / or delays.


▪ Arranging the mobile station with equipment and tools;

▪ Identifying the equipment, utensils and materials needed to make the processing of the ingredients quick and precise;

▪ Checking the condition of the equipment and carry out or require any maintenance work if necessary;

▪ Identifying the basic condiments and ingredients needed to make the dishes;

▪ Defining the organization of jobs;

▪ Analyzing room orders and define the time sequence of operations;

▪ Analyzing the received orders and evaluate the time required for their execution, taking into account the workload and any priorities reported by the room staff;

▪ Defining the sequence of operations to be performed accordingly;

▪ Modifing the order of the preparation of the dishes, based on detecting any delays.


▪ Workplace and program of the sequence of order processed and organised.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC15              Coordinate collaborators in the

                                        realization of the service      

20                                                                                                        1
1. Supervise the work of the colleagues verifying the correct carrying out of the assigned tasks and the quality of the performance. The Learner knows and understands:


the concept of group, autonomy, responsibility, delegation, etc. in order to be able to supervise the work of any resources assigned and coordinate with colleagues.

The Learner is able to:


give directions to colleagues for the realisation of the activities and assign operative tasks to colleagues and give directives on how to carry them out (activities, time and methods).

The Learner:


organizes and leads the workgroup by assigning tasks and supervising the work.


▪ Managing assigned employees;

▪ Imparting directives to the collaborators  for the implementation of reference activities;

▪ Assigning operational duties to your employees and guidance on how to do it (activities to be carried out, times and methods);

▪ Checking the performance of the assigned tasks and the quality of the service performed;

▪ Evaluating individual and group performance, also in order to strategically manage professional resources.


▪ Work of the colleagues supervised;

▪ correct carrying out of the assigned tasks and quality of the performance verified.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC16             loop the hygiene assurance system

                                  and cleanliness of the workplace      

20                                                                                                        1
1. Guarantee the compliance with the hygiene rules for the treatment of food and the application of sanitization methods, in order to guarantee the healthiness of the workplace and the tools that are being used. The Learner knows and understands:


hygiene of food products, basic principles of the HACCP system, principles of hygiene and personal care;

methodologies for the application of sanitization methods, in order to guarantee the healthiness of the workplace and of tools that are being used.

The Learner is able to:


apply the procedures aimed at guaranteeing the compliance with the sanitary conditions related to the treatment and manipulation of food;

clean and replace the tools and the containers used for the preparation of the dishes.

The Learner:


ensures compliance of health conditions with regard to food handling and handling through the application of the procedures and standards provided by law;

guarantees the cleaning and sanitation of workplaces and work tools through the application of the procedures envisaged.


▪ Ensuring compliance with food hygiene rules;

▪ Identifing the main types of food poisoning and identify the possible causes and sources of risk and contamination;

▪ Appling procedures to ensure compliance with hygienic and sanitary conditions appropriate to the handling and handling of foodstuffs;

▪ Taking care of your personal hygiene;

▪ Washing and sanitizing the work area;

▪ Appling suitable cleaning and sanitation systems and methods;

▪ Using suitable detergents;

▪ Appling regional waste disposal directives;

▪ Monitoring the realization of disinfestation and derating;

▪ Washing and storing the equipment and containers used for preparing the dishes;

▪ Appling suitable cleaning and sanitation systems and methods;

▪ Using suitable detergents and detergents.


▪ Compliance with the hygiene rules for the treatment of food and the application of sanitization methods guaranteed.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC17                 Assess the quality of the service

                                            offered to the clients.      

20                                                                                                        1
1. Evaluate the quality of the service, verifying the right implementation of the existing regulation, the compliance with the minimal mandatory requirements, the compliance with own quality procedures and customers’ degree of satisfaction. The Learner knows and understands:


the regulation concerning work safety, roles, functions and required responsibilities;

the existing regulations about safety, accident prevention, fire prevention and work hygiene, city planning, also with references to the obligations required by T.U.81/08.

Assess the quality of the service offered to the clients

The Learner is able to:


prevent and reduce the professional, environmental risks of the beneficiaries;

adopt behaviour for the prevention for electric and gas related risks;  for the prevention of risks correlated to sharp objects and for the prevention of fire.

The Learner:


manages responsibly safety aspects in workplaces, minimizing the risks that may arise from professional activities and work environment;

prevents responsibly the risks that may arise from electricity, gas, fire and sharp objects by applying the rules provided by law.


▪ Evaluating the quality of the service delivered and the production process;

▪ Checking compliance with required compulsory requirements and the application of legislation in force concerning catering services.;

▪ Checking compliance with your quality procedures;

▪ Detecting the degree of customer satisfaction;

▪ Identifing the criticalities and define the interventions of improvement.


▪ Legislation related to the workplace safety (receptive exercises) complied.

                                                                                                                                            UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME
         Code                     UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                             HoURS CrEDITS
         UC18                     work safely in the field of

                                                 catering services      

20                                                                                                       1
1. Comply with the legislation related to the workplace safety (receptive exercises). The Learner knows and understands:


the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of the catering service;

the schemes of action introduced in the previous unities, in order to define the main features of a system of evaluation for the quality of the services delivered.

The Learner is able to:


check the compliance with the mandatory requirements required and the implementation of the existing regulation concerning catering services;

perceive the degree of satisfaction of the customers and consequently identify the critical points and plan improvement interventions.

The Learner:


implements current catering law, verifying compliance with the statutory mandatory requirements, applying evaluation and monitoring procedures to ensure the quality of the service;

develops autonomously assessment criteria for determining the customer satisfaction level and planning action plans for improvement actions.


▪ Evaluating the quality of the service delivered and the production process;

▪ Checking compliance with required compulsory requirements and the application of legislation in force concerning catering services.;

▪ Checking compliance with your quality procedures;

▪ Detecting the degree of customer satisfaction;

▪ Identifing the criticalities and define the interventions of improvement.


▪ Quality of the service offered to the clients assessed.



This training referential is based on learning outcomes and adapted from the original qualification training referencial for the “Catering Operator (Cook)”, EQF level 3, for IVET Courses, available through the Training Catalogue of Regione Umbria and the National Catalogue of Qualifications.

This training referential only contains the technical component of the Course.

It was elaborated during the implementation of a Pilot Project – Intellectual Output no. 2 of the EURspace_European IVT Recognition Gateway Project. The adaptaion of the original training referential was influenced by the methodology developed during the project implementation, presented in the ECVET Methodological Guide for Professionals, which is available for download at https://eurspace.eu/.

The partner responsible for the adaptation of this training referential is ASSOCIAZIONE CNOS FAP REGIONE UMBRIA.