Climate change is a real problem that affects the entire planet. Nowadays, climate change caused by global warming has become more visible due to rising greenhouse gas levels. One of Europe’s main objectives is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase renewable energy sources (Europe 2020, 2010). All the people on earth planet are responsible for climate change. We must all together do something to prevent climat change. Making people aware of climate change is one of the most important ways to reduce its impact. The teachers who are the architects of society and the students who create the future of society are an integral part of the core of the solution.
We will endeavor to explore the concrete evidence of climate change and reach out to many people to cooperate on possible solutions. Using scientific methods, various types of impacts related to climate and geomorphological formations caused by climate change will be analyzed in different countries. Through this project, we essentially intend to:
• Increase knowledge and competence on climate change by observing the morphological and hydrographic changes caused by climate change in different locations.
• Share ideas on climate change in different regions, providing information on climate characteristics, classified with precipitation and temperature graphs.
• Motivate students to find solutions that reduce climate change;
• Develop practical ideas on renewable energy sources;
• Make students aware of the need for savings through creative ideas.
This is intended to raise awareness of climate change by giving students and teachers the opportunity to experience climate change evident in different countries. Active learning will improve knowledge consolidation. Participants will collaborate with each other, which will make it easier to understand the fact that our problems are common and that together we must put in place common solutions – we are the world together.
This is a private project. To join you must be a registered site member and request project membership.