1. The main purpose of this framework is to provide support on how to design Units of Learning Outcome as a step in the process of the transfer, recognition and certification of learning outcomes acquired by I-VET learners during their participation in European mobility programmes.


  1. Since the term ‘learning outcomes’ is already heavily embedded in European education and training policies, it is important to understand the difference between the intended learning outcomes (expressed in the descriptive referential of a qualification) and the achieved learning outcomes (effectively achieved learning outcomes by the learner).

    Cedefop (2016) gives a comprehensive understanding between intended and achieved learning outcomes, through two interrelated definitions:

    • learning outcomes defined as ‘statements of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process, which are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence’ – definition provided by the European Commission (Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training);
    • learning outcomes defined as ‘sets of knowledge, skills and/or competences an individual has acquired and/or is able to demonstrate after completation of a learning process, either formal, non-formal or informal’ (Cedefop, 2014a, pp. 164-165).

    Cedefop (2016) understanding is that these definitions are interconnected in the way that the first definition expresses intended learning outcomes (desired learning outcomes) and the second definition expresses already achieved learning outcomes.

    ‘Achieved learning outcomes can only be identified following the learning process, through assessments and demonstration of achieved learning in real life, for example at work. Consistent application of learning outcomes requires continuous dialogue between intended and actual outcomes, seeking to improve stated expectations (intended learning outcomes) based on the actually achieved outcomes.’ (Cedefop, 2016)

    Dialogue between the world of education and the real work, and society at large, is crucial to successful implementation – and continuous review and renewal – of the learning outcomes approach.

    Contemplating the difference between the intended learning outcomes – desired learning outcome with a view to a successful performance of a particular profession – and the effective achieved learning outcomes – learning outcomes actually achieved after a learning process – in the project EURspace, a Unit of Learning Outcome is composed by a set of components that include not only the description of the expected learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competence, but also:

    – the relation of those expected learning outcomes with a specific key technical outcome, which express the main technical tasks that the learner has to perform to put in evidence a specific observable output;

    – the performance criteria associated with each key technical outcome and respective specific knowledge, skills and competence of the unit. Performance criteria are measurable, observable and provide qualitative and quantitative information on the performance.

    – the outputs.  Outputs are the observable results, the obtained products or the evidences. Outputs are directly associated with the key technical outcome and the performance criteria, being the observable result of the performance.

    Components of a Unit of Learning Outcome, taken together with assessment tools, make it possible to compare the expected learning outcomes with the achieved learning outcomes, and to know the extent to which learning outcomes have been achieved.

    Units of Learning Outcome are one crucial ECVET technical component for the viability of the ECVET implementation. ECVET requires not only that qualifications be described in terms of Learning Outcomes, but also that Learning Outcomes be brought together in Units.

    In the Project EURspace, a Unit of Learning Outcome is understood as a component of a qualification, consisting of a coherent set of knowledge, skills and competence that can be assessed and validated with a number of associated ECVET points. A Unit of Learning Outcome can’t be confused with a discipline or with a module of a training framework. A qualification comprises several units and is made up of the whole set of units. Thus, a learner can achieve a qualification by accumulating the required units, achieved in different countries and different contexts (formal and, where appropriate, non-formal and informal), while respecting national legislation relating to the accumulation of units and the recognition of learning outcomes.

    A unit may be specific to a single qualification or common to several qualifications. The expected learning outcomes defining a unit may be achieved irrespective of where or how these have been achieved. (Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training)

    Units of Learning Outcome should be described towards occupational activities and key technical tasks.

    Units of Learning Outcome should include not only the technical and methodological knowledge, skills and competence, but also, attitudes and other social, personal and transversal competence important for the professional profile.

    Due to the fact that Learning Outcomes are focused in the results achieved on the completion of a learning process, the contextual conditions, learning processes, learning methodologies and resources are not considered relevant for the description of the Units of the Learning Outcome.

    Components of a Unit of Learning Outcome are described in a more comprehensive way in Tool no. 4, entitled Framework for Grouping common Learning Outcomes in Nuclear Units.

    Following are some examples of Units of Learning Outcome, elaborated following the methodology outlined, for some countries of the partnership that have in common a set of key technical outcome, grouped in a Unit of Learning Outcome, in this case, about making soups.

    Table 1: Unit of Learning Outcome “Preparation of Soups” in Portuguese Cookery Qualification.
    1. Elaborate daily work plans for the production of soups






    The Learner knows and understands:

    § The technology related to kitchen appliances and utensils;

    § Production and organization procedures: kitchen service;

    § Articulation with restaurant service (reservations, orders, etc.);

    § Kitchen planning techniques: production.

    The Learner is able to:

    § Interpret and analyze documents related to kitchen organization and functioning;

    § Analyze the production plan and other production guidelines (reservations, orders, special services, etc.);

    § Read and interpret technical datasheets in PT and EN;

    § Select and apply production and organization procedures: kitchen service;

    § Apply kitchen planning techniques.

    The Learner:

    § Elaborates daily work plans for the production of soups, by:

    –   working in a team;

    –   respecting occupational safety and health standards;

    –   defining goals and acting in accordance;

    –   being proactive in solving problems and unforeseen events.

    § Respects production plans (daily production, orders, special services, etc.);

    § Complies with the organization and operation rules of kitchen service;

    § Considers the labour division of the brigades;

    § Defines objectives and acts accordingly;

    § Respects occupational safety and health norms;

    § Adapts to the situation and has the capacity to solve problems and/or unforeseen events.

    2. Elaborate the product’s technical datasheet The Learner knows and understands:

    § Technical datasheets;

    § Technical specifications;

    § Capitation calculation techniques;

    § Nutrition and dietetics;

    § Preparation duration and processes;

    § Ingredient measures, proportions and weighing procedures;

    § Pricing techniques;

    § English language for catering.

    The Learner is able to:

    § Interpret and analyze the production plan and other production guidelines (reservations, orders, special services, etc.);

    § Read and interpret datasheets in Portuguese and English;

    § Apply measuring procedures – ingredient proportions and weighing;

    § Select information to prepare the product datasheet;

    § Apply pricing techniques.

    The Learner:

    § Elaborates the product’s technical datasheet, by:

    –   using capitation calculation techniques;

    –   complying with price-fixing guidelines;

    –   respecting production procedures of raw materials and final products;

    –   respecting general and internal procedures  for the elaboration of the technical datasheet;

    –   respecting occupational safety and health standards;

    –   being responsible for goods and values;

    –   acting in accordance to the defined goals.

    § Applies the capitation calculation techniques;

    § Complies with the pricing guidelines;

    § Respects the confection processes applicable to raw materials and the final product;

    § Respects the general and internal procedures for the preparation of the technical datasheet;

    § Respects occupational safety and health standards;

    § Defines goals and acts accordingly.

    3. Prepare the raw material, equipment and workplace The Learner knows and understands:

    § Types of soups, creams, velvets, broths and consommés;

    § Raw materials used in soups;

    § National and regional specialties;

    § Ingredient measures, proportions and weighing procedures;

    § Food handling procedures;

    § Techniques for preparation of soups, creams, velvets, broths and consommés:

    –   handling of utensils and material;

    –   selection, measuring and preparation of raw materials, industrial preparations and other ingredients;

    § Food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    § Hygiene and disinfection;

    § English language for catering.

    The Learner is able to:

    § Interpret the product’s technical datasheet;

    § Read and interpret datasheets in a foreign language;

    § Select the equipment and utensils required for production;

    § Organize the working space, appliances and utensils;

    § Apply food handling standards;

    § Apply food quality and hygiene standards.

    The Learner:

    § Prepares the raw material, equipment and workplace, by:

    –   selecting appliances and utensils according to the product datasheet;

    –   applying techniques for the preparation of soups, creams, velvets, broths and consommés;

    –   being responsible for goods and values;

    –   being proactive in solving problems and unforeseen events.

    –   respecting safety and health standards;

    –   respecting food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    –   working in a team;

    –   acting in accordance to the defined goals.

    § Selects appliances and utensils according to the product datasheet;

    § Respects the work plan and established budget;

    § Complies with food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    § Applies the verification techniques when checking the conservation state of raw material;

    § Adapts to the situation and has the capacity to solve problems and/or unforeseen events.

    4. Prepare/Confection soups (regional and national specialties)






    The Learner knows and understands:

    § Types of soups, creams, velvets, broths and consommés;

    § Raw materials used in soups;

    § National and regional specialties;

    § Soup preparation techniques: creams, velvets, broths and consommés;

    § Techniques for garnishing soup: creams, velvets, broths and consommés:

    –   mise-en-place;

    –   introduction order of the raw material;

    –   cooking time.

    § Necessary appliances/utensils and control procedures: soup preparation process;

    § Quality control procedures;

    § Nutrition and dietetics;

    § Food handling standards;

    § Food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    § English language for catering.

    The Learner is able to:

    § Interpret the product’s technical datasheet;

    § Read and interpret datasheets in English;

    § Select the equipment and utensils required for production;

    § Apply the production procedures for making soups, velvets, broths and consommés;

    § Apply food quality and hygiene standards;

    § Apply food handling standards.

    The Learner:

    § Prepares the raw material, equipment and workplace, by:

    –   using appropriate appliances and utensils;;

    –   applying techniques for the preparation of soups, creams, velvets, broths and consommés;

    –   working in a team;

    –   respecting safety and health standards at work;

    –   solving problems and foreseeing events.

    –   respecting food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    –   acting in accordance to the defined goals.

    § Respects the preparation procedures indicated on the datasheet (ingredients, timings, temperatures, garnishing, etc.);

    § Respects the work plan and established budget;

    § Complies with food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    § Uses the appropriate equipment and utensils;

    § Teamwork;

    § Adapts to the situation and has the capacity to solve problems and/or unforeseen events.

    5. Plating and garnishing soups The Learner knows and understands:

    § Types of soups, creams, velvets, broths and consommés;

    § Raw materials used in soups;

    § National and regional specialties;

    § Soup plating techniques;

    § Soup garnishing techniques;

    § Techniques for garnishing soup;

    § Necessary appliances/utensils and control procedures: soup preparation process;

    § Quality control procedures;

    § Concepts of nutrition and dietetics;

    § Food handling standards;

    § Food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    § English language for catering.

    The Learner is able to:

    § Interpret the product’s technical datasheet;

    § Read and interpret datasheets in English;

    § Select the equipment and utensils required for production;

    § Apply the production procedures for making soups, velvets, broths and consommés;

    § Use raw materials for making soup;

    § Use national and regional specialties;

    § Apply food quality and hygiene standards;

    § Apply food handling standards.

    The Learner:

    § Plates and garnishes soups, poultry and game, by:

    –   applying plating procedures;

    –   applying garnishing techniques;

    –   working in a team;

    –   respecting occupational safety and health standards;

    –   solving problems and foreseeing events.

    –   respecting food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    –   acting in accordance to the defined goals;

    –   being creative.

    § Respects the plating procedures of soups;

    § Respects the work plan and superior guidelines;

    § Complies with food quality, safety and hygiene standards;

    § Applies soup garnishing techniques;

    § Shows creativity in soup garnishing;

    § Adapts to the situation and has the capacity to solve problems and/or unforeseen events.

    6. Provision raw materials, utensils and materials The Learner knows and understands:

    § Packaging and preservation techniques of raw materials and confectioned products;

    § Stock registration and control procedures.

    The Learner is able to:

    § Apply packaging and preserving techniques to raw materials and confectioned products;

    § Apply stock registration and control procedures.

    The Learner:

    § Provisions raw material, utensils and material, by:

    –   respecting the packaging techniques of raw materials and confectioned products;

    –   complying with stock registration and control procedures;

    –   working in a team;

    –   acting in accordance to the defined goals;

    –   solving problems and foreseeing events;

    –   respecting occupational safety and health standards;

    –   respecting food quality, safety and hygiene standards.

    § Uses appropriate conservation technologies (refrigeration, rapid cooling, freezing, vacuum);

    § Complies with the food safety and hygiene rules;

    § Complies with the procedures for stock management.

    § Daily work plan;

    § Product technical datasheet;

    § Ready-made soups, plated and garnished;

    § Registration of confectioned products;

    § Stock registration.

    Table 2: Unit of Learning Outcome “Soups” in Spanish Cookery Qualification.
      SOUPS 26 1,6

    1. Organising production and service processes when cooking soups, analysing oral or written information




    The Learner knows and understands:

    § Various production and kitchen service areas

    § Ingredient requirements as well as equipment, utensils, tools, etc

    § Safety and environmental protection regulations

    The Learner is able to:

    § Determine and sequence the various production and kitchen service stages

    § Determine intermediate preservation procedures taking into account the needs of the various preparations and subsequent use

    The learner organises production and service processes when cooking soups, analysing oral or written information by:

    § Accounting the possible needs to coordinate with the rest of the kitchen team

    § Carrying out work taking into account tidiness and cleanliness

    § Carrying out work with a rational use of energy and material resources

    § Applies safety and environmental protection regulations in his/her operations

    § Characterises the various production and kitchen service areas

    § Determines and sequences the various production and kitchen service stages

    § Deduces ingredient requirements as well as equipment, utensils, tools, etc

    § Takes into account possible needs to coordinate with the rest of the kitchen team

    § Acknowledges the importance of tidiness and cleanliness for work to progress smoothly

    § Determines intermediate preservation procedures taking into account the needs of the various preparations and subsequent use

    § Determines processes were looking for a rational use of energy and material resources

    § Assesses health, occupational safety and environmental protection regulations from an organisational viewpoint

    2. Preparing established soups, selecting and applying traditional and advanced techniques The Learner knows and understands:

    § Different advanced culinary techniques applicable to soups

    § Different culinary techniques applicable to soups

    § Safety and environmental protection regulations

    The Learner is able to:

    § Verify the availability of all the elements required prior to carrying out tasks

    § Carry out culinary techniques applicable to soups according to the established procedure

    § Develop intermediate preservation procedures taking into account the various preparations and subsequent use

    The learner prepares established soups, selecting and applying traditional and advanced techniques by:

    § Valuing the importance of the different techniques in different production areas

    § Linking the techniques with possible applications with different raw ingredients

    § Applying corrective measures depending on the results obtained

    § Assessing final product characteristics

    § Applying safety and environmental protection regulations in his/her operations

    § Identifies the different advanced culinary techniques

    § Values the importance of these techniques in different production areas

    § Links the techniques with possible applications with different raw ingredients

    § Verifies the availability of all the elements required prior to carrying out tasks

    § Carries out culinary techniques according to established procedure

    § Determines possible corrective measures depending on the results obtained

    § Assesses and verifies final product characteristics

    § Develops intermediate preservation procedures taking into account the needs of the various preparations and subsequent use

    § Performs all operations taking into account health, occupational safety and environmental protection regulations

    3. Preparing soups with various raw materials assessing their different alternatives The Learner knows and understands:

    § Techniques for raw ingredients depending on the final result wanted

    § Preservation procedures applicable to soups

    § Safety and environmental protection regulations

    The Learner is able to:

    § Organise and sequence tasks for the various stages required to make products in a timely and proper fashion

    § Verify the availability of all the elements required prior to carrying out tasks

    § Follow the procedure to obtain soups

    § Compile a recipe book with all the preparations made during the course

    The learner prepares soups with various raw materials assessing their different alternatives by:

    § Proposing different culinary products based on a set of given raw ingredients

    § Assessing the possibility of leveraging resources

    § Designing preparations combining elements in a reasonable manner

    § Assessing the characteristics of the final product

    § Applying safety and environmental protection regulations in his/her operations

    § Proposes different culinary products based on a set of given raw ingredients

    § Assess the possibility of leveraging resources

    § Designs preparations combining elements in a reasonable manner

    § Deduces and links appropriate techniques for raw ingredients and proposed final results

    § Carries out organisation and sequencing tasks for the various stages required to make products in a timely and proper fashion

    § Verifies availability of all the elements required prior to carrying out tasks

    § Carries out tasks to obtain culinary products according to established procedure

    § Verifies and assesses final product characteristics

    § Compiles a recipe book with all the preparations made during the course/cycle

    § Carries out intermediate and final preservation procedures taking into account the requirements of the obtained products and their subsequent use

    § Performs all operations taking into account health, occupational safety and environmental protection regulations


    4. Preparing soups for people with specific food needs analysing the characteristics of each situation





    The Learner knows and understands:

    § Various types of specific dietary requirements

    § Possible replacement products

    § Safety and environmental protection regulations

    The Learner is able to:

    § Identify foodstuffs excluded in each specific dietary requirement

    § Prepare dishes according to established procedures and avoiding cross-contamination with excluded foodstuffs

    The learner prepares soups for people with specific food needs analysing the characteristics of each situation by:

    §  Assessing the possible consequences of inadequate handling/preparation

    §  Applying safety and environmental protection regulations in his/her operations

    § Acknowledges the various types of specific dietary requirements

    § Identifies foodstuffs excluded in each specific dietary requirement

    § Acknowledges possible replacement products

    § Prepares dishes according to established procedure and avoiding cross-contamination with excluded foodstuffs

    § Assesses the possible consequences of inadequate handling/preparation

    § Performs all operations taking into account health, occupational safety and environmental protection regulations

    §   Soups are correctly prepared

    §   Operations performed according to safety and environmental rules


    Table 3: Unit of Learning Outcome “International Special Soups” in Turkish Cookery Qualification.
                                        UniT OF LEARNING OUTCOME


                                        INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL SOUPS


    24 1,2
    1. Cook international special soups as per their characteristics and prepare them in the desired taste, appearance and texture






    The Learner knows and understands:

    Different international cookery culture

    Soup cultures of different cultures

    Characteristics of special soups

    Special soup varieties of different cultures

    Preparing, garnishing and serving different soups in accordance to its origin.

    The Learner is able to:

    Make fond

    Cook soup

    Prepare garnish

    Get products ready for service

    The Learner:

    Cooks international special soups by:

    Preparing equipment and ingredients for the special soups

    Preparing fond for special soups

    Cooking soups as per the characteristics and type

    Preparing garnish as per the characteristics and type of the soups

    Preparing the soup for service

    Following Health & Safety and hygiene procedures

    Prepares the tools and ingredients for special soups

    Prepares fond for special soups

    Cooks the soup according to its characteristics and type

    Prepares suitable garnish as per the characteristics and type of the soup

    Prepares the soup for service

    Follows the personal care and hygiene rules when working

    2. Cook international cold soups as per their characteristics and prepare them in the desired taste, appearance and texture The Learner knows and understands:

    Characteristics of cold soups

    Points to consider when cooking cold soups

    Cold soup varieties

    Preparing, garnishing and serving cold soups

    The Learner is able to:

    Make fond

    Cook soup


    Prepare garnish

    Get products ready for service

    The Learner:

    Cooks international cold soups by:

    Preparing equipment and ingredients for the cold soups

    Preparing fond for cold soups

    Cooking soups as per the characteristics and type

    Chilling soup as per the characteristics and type

    Preparing garnish as per the characteristics and type of the soups

    Preparing the soup for service

    Following Health & Safety and hygiene procedures

    ▪ Prepares the tools and ingredients for cold soups

    ▪ Prepares fond for cold soups

    ▪ Cooks the soup according to its characteristics and type

    ▪ Chills the soup according to its characteristics and type

    ▪ Prepares suitable garnish according to the characteristics and type of the soup

    ▪ Prepares the soup for service

    ▪ Follows the personal care and hygiene rules when working

        Cooked international special soups

    Cooked international cold soups

    Table 4: Unit of Learning Outcome “Preparation and Serving of Soups and Sauces” in Lithuanian Cookery Qualification.
    1.   Estimate food products (raw materials) for the preparation of soups. The learner knows and understands:

    • Structure and main principles of technical forms;

    • Estimation of raw materials needed according to technical forms.

    The learner is able to:

    • Estimate quantinties of raw materials according to technical forms for the preparation of soups.

    The learner:

    • Elaborates the technical form of soups.

    • Estimating of raw materials correctly according to technical forms.

    • Elaborating the technical form of soups respecting the quantity of raw materials applying ICT.

    2.  Prepare workplace for the preparation of soups. The learner knows and understands:

    • Requirements and rules for the workplace;

    • Hygiene and sanitation;

    • Technology and usage of appliances, equipment, tools;

    ·   Various thermal preparation methods.

    The learner is able to:

    • Apply the requirements for working place.

    • Work under the hygiene requirements.

    • Choose and safely use appliances, equipment and tools.

    ·  Apply various thermal preparation methods according to technical forms.

    The learner:

    ·    Prepares workplace according to the requiremets and hygiene rules for the preparation of soups and sauces.

    ·   Chooses and applies correctly and safely appliances, equipment and tools.

    • Respecting the requirements for the working place;

    • Applying hygiene requirements;

    • Applying appliances, equipment and tools correctly and safely.

    3.     Choose quality raw materials for preparation of stocks, soups and sauces. The learner knows and understands:

    ·    Methods of food quality evaluation;

    ·    Pecularities of food products selection according; assortment of stocks, soups and sauces.

    The learner is able to:

    ·    Choose methods of food quality evaluation

    ·    Choose food products according assortment of stocks, soups and sauces.

    The learner:

    ·    Chooses quality food products for the preparation of stocks, soups and sauces.

    ·   Choosing appropriate food products for stocks, soups, sauces preparation;

    ·   Respecting principles of healthy diet;

    ·   Respecting the food quality, hygiene and safety standards.

    4.      Prie- prepare food products and raw materials for the preparation of stocks, soups, sauces. The learner knows and understands:

    ·  Ways of prie-preparing of food products and raw materials; (cutting, chopping, slicing etc.);

    ·   Ways of thermal preparation (frying, cooking etc.);

    ·   Technology of equipment/ kitchen utensils;

    ·   HACCP.

    The learner is able to:

    ·  Use correct prie-preparation ways for the preparation of food products and raw materials for stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·   Use right ways of thermal prie-preparation of food products and raw materials;

    ·   Use technology of equipment/ kitchen utensils safely and corectly;

    ·   Work according HACCP.

    The learner:

    ·    Prepares food products and raw materials for stocks, soups and sauces according to the technology.

    ·       Choosing appropriate equipment and tools for preparation of food products and raw materials for stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·       Respecting the food quality, hygiene and safety standards.

    ·       Preparing food products and raw materials for stocks, soups and sauces according to the technology.

    5.      Prepare stocks, soups and sauces. The learner knows and understands:

    ·   Assortment and pecularities of preparation of stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·   Technologies (sequence of operations) of stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·   HACCP.

    The learner is able to:

    ·   Apply technological processes in the preparation stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·   Work according HACCP.

    The learner:

    ● Prepares stocks, soups and sauces according to the technology.

    ·   Using technical forms in preparing stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·   Preparing stocks, soups and sauces according to the technologies (correctt sequence of operations);

    ·   Respecting the food quality, hygiene and safety standards.

    6.      Evaluate the quality of ready made stocks, soups and sauces. The learner knows and understands:

    ·   Quality evaluation criteria of stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·   Quality evaluation methods of stocks, soups and sauces.

    The learner is able to:

    ·    Evaluate quality of stocks, soups and sauces according to right evaluation criteria and methods.

    The learner:

    ·    Evaluates quality of stocks, soups and sauces applying the right evaluation criteria and methods.

    ·       Using sensory methods evaluating the quality of stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·       Explaining the criteria of quality evaluation of stocks, soups and sauces.

    7.      Serve stocks, soups and sauces. The learner knows and understands:

    ·    Methods of serving stocks and soups;

    ·     Selection of serving dishes (crockery);

    ·     Temperature of various stocks and soups;

    ·    Decoration of stocks and soups;

    ·    Side dishes served with stocks and soups (bread, potatoes etc.)

    ·    Pairing of sauces and dishes;

    ·    Temperature of sauces while serving;

    ·   Methods of serving sauces.

    The learner is able to:

    ·   Choose the methods of serving stocks and soups;

    ·   Choose serving dishes (crockery);

    ·   Serve stocks and soups at the right temperature;

    ·   Decorate stocks and soups;

    ·   Choose side dishes with stocks and soups;

    ·   Pair sauces and dishes;

    ·   Serve sauces at the right temperature;

    ·   Choose methods of serving sauces.

    The learner:

    ·    Serves quality stocks and sauces;

    ·    Pairs sauces with dishes and serves them correctly.

    ·   Using stocks for various soups and other dishes;

    ·   Serving soups according to technologies and creatively decorated;

    ·   Paired sauces with various dishes and served correctly.


    ·       Elaborated technical forms and accordingly chosen raw materials for stocks, soups and sauces;

    ·       Prepared stocks, soups and sauces according to the technology and HACCP;

    ·       Correctly paired sauces with dishes;

    ·       Served stocks, soups and sauces creatively decorated.


    Table 5: Unit of Learning Outcome “Liquid Dishes” in Romanian Cookery Qualification.
    Liquid dishes 31 1,6
    Prepare liquid dishes The learner knows and understands:

    ·          the role, place on the menu, nutritional value and digestibility of liquid dishes;

    ·           identification and dosage of the raw ingredients in accordance with the recipe of liquid dishes;

    ·           initial and thermal processing in order to prepare liquid dishes;

    ·          usage of the inventory items suitable for serving liquid dishes;

    ·          the component parts of the liquid dishes by performing the simple physical examination;

    ·           the organoleptic test to determine the quality conditions of liquid dishes.

    The learner is able to:

    ·          present the place and role of liquid dishes available in food production by working on worksheets, scientific books and  individual portfolios;

    ·          choose and dose the raw ingredients according to the recipe of liquid dishes;

    ·          perform the initial and thermal operations, using specific kitchen utensils;

    ·          use adequate  inventory items for serving the  liquid dishes;

    ·          perform simple physical examination to determine the dosage of the ingredients;

    ·          carry out organoleptic test to determine the eligibility; conditions for serving the liquid dishes;

    ·          prepare liquid dishes.

    The learner

    ·                     prepares liquid dishes by:

    – presenting and evaluating the liquid dishes;

    – communicating with the customers in order to meet their requests;

    -working in a team;

    – choosing and measuring the raw and additional  ingredients for the liquid dishes;

    -respecting the hygiene and safety standards;

    -scheduling and respecting the program of the services;

    -acting in accordance with preventing measurements against pollution.

    ·          Argues the importance of production of liquid dishes:

    ·          Chooses and doses  raw ingredients according to the recipes;

    ·          Performs  pre-cooking operations and thermal adaptation using adequate equipment;

    ·          Prepares of the liquid dishes;

    ·          Checks the quality conditions.

    ·          Confectioned liquid dishes: bisques, soups and cream soups, sour soups, pottages, stocks.

    Table 6: Unit of Learning Outcome “Making Soups” in French Cookery Qualification.


    MAKING SOUPS 30,5 1,2
    Make soups





    The Learner knows and understands:

    The characterization of culinary preparations in terms of combination of techniques:

    – Soups

    The identification of the main descriptors of recognition of organoleptic qualities.

    The Learner is able to:

    Make soups:

    –  Cut / velvety / cream;

    –  Past (fresh and dry vegetables).

    The Learner:

    –   Prepares soups.

      Conformity and mastery of gestures and basic professional techniques in complete autonomy

    Respect of the principle of “walking forward” Optimization of means (yield, time, products …)

    Conformity of the products in the respect of the data sheet, the appellations, the professional vocabulary

    Relevance of the choice of materials and equipment

    Respect of product use protocols

    Optimization of the organoleptic qualities of the fabrications

    Appreciation and rectification if necessary of the fabrications

    Relevance of critical point treatment

    Consistency with the planned organization of work

    –          Optimization of means: human, technical, material, equipment, raw materials

    –          Compliance and control of cooking with respect to foodstuffs

    –          Adaptation to new techniques, new products, new materials

    –          Speed and relevance of the responses to the situation





    Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning.

    Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training.

    Cedefop (2016). Application of learning outcomes approaches across Europe: a comparative study. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop reference series. No 105. http://dx.doi.org/10.2801/735711.

    Cedefop (2014a). Terminology of European education and training policy: a selection of 130 key terms. Second edition. Luxembourg: Publications Office. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/publications/4117.










    • This framework aims to provide:
    • support on how to design Units of Learning Outcome as a step in the process of the transfer, recognition and certification of learning outcomes acquired by I-VET learners during their participation in European mobility programmes.
    • This framework is aimed attarget group:

    – VET Professionals;

    – teachers;

    – trainers;

    – principals;

    – directors of VET Centres;

    – technicians who work in VET Mobility Programmes;

    – project managers;

    – representatives or technicians from organizations that intend to promote European Mobility Programmes.

    – Schools;

    – VET Centres;

    – Organizations involved in European Mobility Programmes (sending organizations, receiving organizations, intermediary organizations, organizations providing internships in VET).

    • Phase and Stage of the Pedagogical Circuit in which the Framework should be used

    Phase 1: Before Mobility

    Stage 1: Identifying the expected Learning Outcomes