
EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway

The EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway is a Project financed by the Erasmus+ Programme which aims to contribute towards the development of a European skills and qualifications area through the development of a European Digital Platform that provides support in the transfer, recognition and certification of learning outcomes acquired by IVET students during their participation in European mobility programmes.

The Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 created a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) with the purpose to facilitate the transfer, recognition and accumulation of assessed learning outcomes of individuals who are aiming to achieve a qualification.

Improve the general understanding of citizens’ learning outcomes and its transparency, transnational mobility and portability across and, where appropriate, within Member States in a borderless lifelong learning area

Facilitate the compatibility, comparability and complementarity of credit systems used in VET and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), used in the higher education sector, to contribute to greater permeability between levels of education and training, in accordance with national legislation and practice

Facilitate the cooperation between the Member-States, increasing transparency and the promotion of lifelong learning and the mobility of citizens.

In line with the European guidelines and recommendations on ECVET and other European instruments, such as EQF and EQAVET, the EURspace Project has the purpose to contribute with a Methodological Framework, Tools and a Digital Platform that will be useful to those who are involved in European mobility programmes and Vocational Education and Training and intend to put ECVET in practice.