Project Coordinator

Epralima Vocational Training School is a private and cooperative School, which focuses on Vocational Education and Training, offering Youth and Adult Education Training Courses at II, III, IV and V European levels.
The School’s main focus is the Youth Vocational Education and Training and the successful transition between school and labour market.
Since 1998, Epralima has been working in European Mobility Programmes, as a sending and hosting organization. Epralima also promotes Lifelong Vocational Guidance and Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences at educational and professional levels.


The Associazione Cnos Fap Regione Umbria is a non-profit organization for Vocational Training with Guidance inspired to Christian values, Don Bosco Preventive System, intent on promoting a service of public interest in the field of guidance, training and professional of the update with the style of Don Bosco.
Our main activities are:

  • initial vocational training 16-18 years old
  • vocational training for over 18 years old
  • lifelong learning for professional update
  • re-qualification for people who have lost their job


Vilnius tourism and commerce school is one of the biggest vocational schools in Vilnius city and region. The school provides vocational and general education. The school consists of 3 departments: business and commerce, hotel and restaurant and general education. School mission – continuously improve the quality of education and to make self-development for all members of the community become an inner need for acquiring professional qualifications to the new competencies required for a professional career and meaningful life. School vision – effectively working vocational school as a community vocational education and cultural centre, open to the public and to the world, constantly learning, positive educational changes initiating educational institution. There work 144 employees and learn over 700 students. Business and commerce department educates shop assistants, small business workers, trade consultants, tallymen, logistics expeditors. In hotel and restaurant department there are the following programmes: cook, confectioner, waiter-bartender, hotel worker, tourism agent. Vilnius Tourism and Commerce School is a member of Lithuanian Association of Innovative Vocational Education Institutions, AEHT – Association of European Hotel and Tourism Schools, Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts.


Technical College Gheorghe Cartianu from Piatra Neamt, N-E region, Romania is a big technological high-school with 1450 students and 75 teachers. The range of qualifications that can be obtained in our school is very wide and can be divided into five major areas: computers and computer science, electronics and telecommunications, mechanical and metal working, construction and building design, textiles and leather, chemistry and environmental protection, food industry and food services. Education and training offered by our school must be adjusted to the reality of the workforce-market and because of the lack of working offers in the area it is compulsory to train all the students in jobs suitable for European workforce market like cooker, baker, welder, garment worker, mechanic, electrician construction worker etc.


Sustainable Development Management Institute (SDMI) believes that learning is an essential dimension of the human existence, thus it is a life-long experience.
Learning engages people, as well as the social entities they constitute, throughout the lifespan. It is a fundamental for all human beings who interact constructively with an evermore rapidly changing complex environment and to be able to do so being fully aware of the history of humankind.
Learning is therefore a crucial dimension of sustainable development. We feel that learning is inherently social activity and thus we take into consideration the learning individuals in the context of learning communities.
Learning communities have different levels of organizational complexity. Each individual is normally part of a variety of learning communities, such as a school or training context, the family, places of worship, the workplace, the marketplace.


Zeynep Mehmet Donmez Vocational and Technical High School is a secondary education institution, subordinated to the Ministry of National Education. It has been providing vocational education in tourism and hospitality services in the region since 1996. The departments are: “Hospitality Services” and “Preparation, Presentation and Service of Food & Beverage”.


HETEL is an association of 20 Vocational Training Centres created by social initiative which are present in all regions in the Basque Country, Spain. It was set up in 1987 to promote and improve the Vocational Training provision. The objectives of the Association are the exchange of experience and know-how between VET centres, foster innovation in VET education, both from a technological and pedagogical point of view and contribute to fill the gap between VET education and the demands of the business world.
The Vocational Training Centres of HETEL belong to the Network of Integrated Vocational Training Centres under the Basque Plan of Vocational Training.


Inercia Digital is an innovative Andalusian social enterprise, established in 2012, with Europe-wide outlets, and focused on fostering training in digital skills in Europe both for organizations and entrepreneurs.

Inercia Digital has International and European projects experience, inside and outside the Erasmus+ Programme with several projects where we participate. Based on its expertise area, during the last two years it has created and lead websites and e-learning platforms for education institutions/providers (such as schools, adult education centres, VET, etc.), in order to integrate ICT in their daily activities while training them on digital competences and web tools, e-learning, virtual opportunities and collaborative learning.

Inercia Digital has received the certificate by AENOR as Young Innovative Company and we are implementing the ISO 29990:2010 – Learning services for non-formal education and training – thanks to the CooperActive Project.