Company Name | |
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PIC code | 949650662 |
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Address | UNTZAGA IBAIA 1 |
City | Derio |
Country | Spain |
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Organization Type | |
Contact Person | Anabel Menica |
Position (contact person) | Manager of International Projects |
Phone (contact person) | |
Email (contact person) | |
About us | Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri is a Secondary and Vocational Education Cooperative Training Centre which provides Bachiller and Vocational Educational Studies. Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri focuses on serving local Industry and is committed to the integral and lifelong learning of its students. The Centre promotes Innovation in Technological and Pedagogical Projects and aims to offer a quality service to the Public, meeting the local training needs of young people, the local universities and institutions. Our Educational Project outlines the responsible and democratic participation of the entire student community and employs evaluation as part of our ongoing Quality Improvement Plan. We strive to be a leading Training Centre reputed for close collaboration with local companies and quality integral, lifelong training. |