Company Name | |
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PIC code | 934912385 |
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City | Piata Nmeamt |
Country | Romania |
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Organization Type | |
Contact Person | Ciprian Istrate |
Position (contact person) | President |
Phone (contact person) | |
Email (contact person) | |
About us | ERA is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. The range of our work is the area of N-E region of Romania , to develop culture and education by using of visual arts means which is lead to promote the well-being of our community by serving children, empower youth and women’s development as well of active ageing in the N-E region of Romania . Another mission of our activity is to promote and encourage an interest in the history, traditions, arts, crafts, language, and culture of Romania within NE-region and in Europe . We use a high level of artistical development for sharing this values trough exhibitions , debate cloubs active citizenship , investment in local cultural values and preservation of cultural heritage. ERA cultural association promoted and also added a very important contribution to the local culture and heritage through professional art works, restoration of important monuments ,exhibitions , publications ,cultural, social and recreational programs and informal education. In a few lines I will mention some of the successful activities of Era Cultural Association. 1. april 2011 – <The Romanian Icon in Verbania>, romanian painters exhibit theirs religious works of art in this italian town; we succed to promote our religious culture, to do a change of good practice and to twin the two cities Piatra Neamt and Verbania 2. may- september 2011 <Artistic offer for the cultural turism of the Neamt County>, this project was implemented with the help of the Council of NeamtCounty. The main activities in this project were: organisation of an art camp, where the young artists were pomoted; this ones hand madedifferent kind of things like picture on eggs, glass, picture on small things as a specific county souvenir for the tourists. Was also organised an exhibition of picture where over 20 painters exposed theirs works. For the tourists wasesspecialy organised a Cucuteni Civilization Seminary (one of the biggest cultural heritage of the european neolitic ). 3. June 2011 <The openning of Era Gallery> 4. July 2011 < Constantin Filimon’s exhibition> 5. July 2011 <The apparition of the first number of the Era Art Magazine> 6. October 2011 <An exhibition organised for the promotion of the young gratuated artists> 7. December 2011 <Icons`Exhibition for Christmas> 8. February 2012 <Valentine`s Day Exhibition> 9. Mars 2012 <The oppening of Central Plazza Art Gallery, Varnishing Day of the Spring Colours Exhibition; launching of a presentation catalogue for the artists > the place of the gallery is the lobby of the biggest and luxorious Hotel from Piatra Neamt. We took that decision in order that the tourist can easilysee the work of the artists from Neamt County. ( 10. Aprilie 2012 <Icon exhibition> 11. June 2012 <Memorial Exhibition of Petru Petrescu>( 12. June 2012 <The Saloon of the Neamt`s Painters to Alba Iulia> over 20 painters exhibit their works at the Unification Museum from the Center of the The Citadel Alba Carolina, one of the biggest and most beutiful citadel from Romania.( To these events we can add the cultural soirees: Mihai Eminescu`s soiree, Octavian Goga`s soiree, Ioan Luca Caragiale`s soiree, the worldwide soiree of poetry, Sergiu Celibidache`s soiree. |