Company Name | |
PIC code | 949368004 |
Website | |
Address | Via delle Industrie 9 Sant'Eraclio – 06034 Foligno (Pg) |
City | Foligno (Pg) |
Country | Italy |
Phone | |
Organization Type | Receiving Organization, Sending Organization, Intermediary Organization |
Contact Person | Altheo Valentini |
Position (contact person) | General manager |
Email (contact person) | |
About us | EGInA Srl is a private consultancy and training agency, operating in the field of EU projects and grants. The company has been founded by a team of project managers with long-term experience in the preparation, submission and implementation of project proposals, as well as in the coordination of international partnerships and the administrative and financial management of actions at local, national and EU level. |