Company Name | |
PIC code | 943701214 |
Website | |
Address | Rua Dr. Araújo Lima, Bloco 2 |
City | Ponte de Lima |
Country | Portugal |
Phone | |
Organization Type | Receiving Organization, Sending Organization, Intermediary Organization |
Contact Person | Jorge Veloso |
Position (contact person) | Presidente |
Phone (contact person) | |
Email (contact person) | |
Skype | valdemarjorgeveloso |
About us | In 2011, from the union of wills of three technicians and friends, was born TEMÁTICA POSITIVA – ASSOCIAÇÃO. TEMÁTICA POSITIVA promotes social cohesion and competitiveness in socio-economic sectors which prove to be of major importance in this region, with the aim to link the needs of the population to the economy. In addition, the training of local human capital becomes of key importance, since the territories in question are territories with unfavorable characteristics in different areas. Temática Positiva intend to provide vocational training at various European levels II, III, V. Currently these levels of training are offered through the following modalities: Certified Training; Continuous Training; Specialized Technological Training Courses. The Temática Positiva main objectives are: Contribute towards adult training by providing the appropriate skills required for qualified professionals; Develop mechanisms which facilitate and promote the transaction between training and the labour market; Provide trainees with solid socio-cultural, scientific and technological training. |