Company Name | |
Professional field | |
PIC code | 10001 |
Address | 2345 Godfrey Road, New York NY, 10001 United States |
City | new york |
Country | United state |
Phone | |
Organization Type | Receiving Organization, Sending Organization, Intermediary Organization |
Contact Person | refund policy |
Position (contact person) | refund policy |
Email (contact person) | |
About us | United Airlines has a 24-hour refund policy that passengers may use to get an immediate refund on a cancelled airline ticket. The traveler must fill out a refund request form with their booking reference ID and other information. Our website contains information on the United Airlines Refund Policy.
Don’t hesitate to contact us at +1-855-745-1194 or visit our website if you have any questions concerning refunds. |