A Learning Agreement is a document aimed to provide a transparent and efficient preparation of the study or traineeship period abroad and to ensure that the learner will receive recognition in his/her educational institution for the educational components successfully completed abroad.

This document is prepared before the mobility takes place together by the sending and the receiving organization and signed by them and the learner.

In the case of VET, the LA should provide information on (according to ECVET criteria):

  • involved parties:namely VET providers (sending organization, receiving organization), as well as any intermediary organization, and the individual learner;
  • duration:of the mobility period;
  • current qualification or study programme: confirming the level of progress thus far;
  • targeted learning outcomes: specifically, those being targeted during a period of geographical mobility – in some cases, mobility goals will not extend to a full unit with only certain learning outcomes being targeted, with a need for the LA to be explicit in such cases;
  • assessment procedures: criteria, indicators and methods;
  • documentation, tools and mechanisms: specifically, those able to formally relate learning outcomes achieved and assessed during a period of geographical mobility;
  • validationand recognition mechanisms: goals, actions and key actors.

Although ECVET provides a template for the document, as long as it contains at least the points detailed before, the organizations are free to add or modify the proposed template according to their needs.


The Learning Agreement should be completed by the two partner organizations involved in the mobility project, the first in the country of origin and the second in the receiving country. These organizations can be companies, VET schools, universities, youth networks… Normally these organizations talk in advance to check if the receiving organization has the possibility to cover the learning outcomes the learner needs to acquire.


The Learning Agreement is part of the ECVET tools to guarantee good quality in mobility in VET.

More information about this document, as well as a template and some filled examples can be found in this link: http://www.ecvet-toolkit.eu/ecvet-toolkit/sign-learning-agreement


Imagine you are a VET school from Spain and one of your learners in your cookery VET courses wants to spend 3 months in a VET school in Portugal for a learning period.

Before sending the learner abroad, the sending organization needs to ensure that he/she will acquire the necessary learning outcomes to complete his/her VET course, so the sending organization will negotiate with the VET school in Portugal (receiving organization) to sign a LA for the mobility period of your learner.

In the Learning Agreement Template there is an example on the Cookery Qualification.


Example on the Cookery Qualification


Learning Agreement

Version 2013

1.     Information about the participants
Contact details of the home organisation
Name of organisation Goierri Eskola
Address Lehendakari Agirre Hiribidea, 2

48054 Ordizia (Gipuzkoa, Spain)

Telephone/fax +34 946358923
E-mail cookery@goierri.eus
Website www.goierrieskola.eus
Contact person Laura Igarzabal
Telephone/fax +34 946358923
E-mail cookery@goierrieskola.eus
Contact details of the host organisation
Name of organisation EPRALIMA
Address Fonte Cova, Paço Vedro Magalhães

4980 – 548 Ponte da Barca

Telephone/fax +35 258 480 120
E-mail mobility@epralima.pt
Website www.epralima.pt
Contact person Céu Branco
Tutor/mentor Fernando Braga
Telephone/fax +35 258 480 120
E-mail mobility@epralima.pt
Contact details of the learner
Name Ekain
Address Ugalde
Telephone/fax +34 946 835 8343
E-mail ekain.ugalde@gmail.com
Date of birth (04/03/1993)
Please tick  ☒ Male


Contact details of parents or legal guardian of the learner, if applicable
If an intermediary organisation is involved, please provide contact details
Name of organisation
Contact person
2.     Duration of the learning period abroad
Start date of the training abroad (01/03/2017)
End date of the training abroad (31/05/2017)
Length of time abroad 12 weeks
3.     The qualification being taken by the learner – including information on the learner’s progress (knowledge, skills and competence  already acquired)
Title of the qualification being taken by the learner (please also provide the title in the language of the partnership, if appropriate) Technician in cookery and gastronomy
EQF level (if appropriate) 3
NQF level (if appropriate) 2
Information on the learner‘s progress in relation to the learning pathway (Information to indicate acquired knowledge, skills, competence could be included in an annex ) The learner is about to complete his certificate, having achieved already all learning outcomes related to his theoretical training. The mobility is intended to provide the learner with “on the job” experience in order to consolidate his knowledge, skills and competences in the learning outcomes already achieved and enrich them with complementary ones, such as improvement of foreign language, adaptability and ability to work in international teams.
Enclosures in annex – please tick as appropriate  Europass Certificate Supplement

Europass CV

☒ Europass Mobility

☒ Europass Language Passport

European Skills Passport

(Unit[s] of) learning outcomes already acquired by the learner

Other: (please specify)

4.     Description of the learning outcomes to be achieved during mobility
Title of unit(s)/groups of learning outcomes/parts of units to be acquired – On the job training
Number of ECVET points to be acquired while abroad Please specify (if appropriate)
Learning outcomes to be achieved –               Store ingredients in an appropriate place for preservation

–               Identify and prepare typical Portuguese dishes

–               Prepare a variety of dishes according to the gastronomic offer of the place where the traineeship is taking place

–               Match quantity and quality between ordered goods and received ones

–               Select products taking into account usage priority

–               Apply the right technique to each ingredient, choosing the necessary equipment, utensils and tools

–               Use relevant professional terminology

–               Prepare various garnishes and decorations according to the established procedure

–               Link cooking techniques to potential applications to different styles

–               Carry out possible corrective measures depending on the results obtained

–               Follow the procedures for obtaining basic preparations with multiple applications

–               Communicate in English within an international team of cookers

–               Deal with Portuguese providers

–               Work in an international team

Description of the learning activities (e.g. information on location(s) of learning, tasks to be completed and/or courses to be attended)
Enclosures in annex – please tick as appropriate  Description of unit(s)/groups of learning outcomes which are the focus of the mobility

Description of the learning activities

Individual’s  development plan when abroad

Other: (please specify)

5.     Assessment and documentation
Person(s) responsible for assessing the learner’s performance Name: Fernando Braga
Organisation, role: EPRALIMA, tutor
Assessment of learning outcomes Date of assessment: (31/05/2017)
Method: The tutor assigned to the trainee will be a permanent staff in the kitchen and will supervise the training of the student, filling for that a monitoring sheet with tasks and training objectives to be achieved by the trainee.

The tutor will also fill a questionnaire each 4 weeks of training (3 in total) assessing the quality of the tasks performed by the trainee and a final document assessing: attendance, punctuality, interest in the job, efficiency, quality, initiative, willingness to learn, organization, relation with the rest of the team.

The trainee will also complete a traineeship diary where every day he will update the tasks undertaken and a self-evaluation of his performance, indicating what he learnt and what he will need to improve, if that is the case.

As working in a kitchen requires a lot of team work, the student will also evaluate and will be evaluated by his peers at the end of the training period, highlighting his strong points and those where improvement is needed.

How and when will the assessment be recorded? Explained above
Please include  Detailed information about the assessment procedure (e.g. methods, criteria, assessment grid)

☒ Template for documenting the acquired learning outcomes (such as the learner’s transcript of record or Europass Mobility)

☒ Individual’s development plan when abroad

Other: (please specify)

6.     Validation and recognition
Person (s) responsible for validating the learning outcomes achieved abroad Name: Laura Igarzabal
Organisation, role: Goierri Eskola, Responsible of area of cookery and bakery
How will the validation process be carried out? The validation is automatic with a favourable evaluation received by the hosting organization
Recording of validated achievements Date: (15/06/2017)
Method: Apart of the integration in the student´s academic record, the student will also receive a Europass mobility certificate.
Person(s) responsible for recognising the learning outcomes achieved abroad Name: (please insert)
Organisation, role: Goierri Eskola, Responsible of area of cookery and bakery
How will the recognition be conducted? Inclusion the apprenticeship abroad in the student´s expedient, validating it as equivalent to the module “on the job training”, which is mandatory to obtain his certificate.
7.     Signatures
Home organisation/country Host organisation/country Learner
Name, role Name, role Name
Laura Igarzabal, Responsible of the area of cookery and bakery Céu Branco, Responsible of Mobility Projects Ekain Ugalde
Place, date Place, date Place, date
Ordizia, 20th February 2017 Ponte da Barca, 20th February 2017 Ordizia, 20th February 2017
If applicable: Intermediary organisation If applicable: Parent or legal guardian
Name, role Name, role
Place, date Place, date
8.     Additional information
9.     Annexes


Example on the Cookery Qualification


Learning Agreement

Version 2013

10.            Information about the participants
Contact details of the home organisation
Name of organisation Goierri Eskola
Address Lehendakari Agirre Hiribidea, 2

48054 Ordizia (Gipuzkoa, Spain)

Telephone/fax +34 946358923
E-mail cookery@goierri.eus
Website www.goierrieskola.eus
Contact person Laura Igarzabal
Telephone/fax +34 946358923
E-mail cookery@goierrieskola.eus
Contact details of the host organisation
Name of organisation EPRALIMA
Address Fonte Cova, Paço Vedro Magalhães

4980 – 548 Ponte da Barca

Telephone/fax +35 258 480 120
E-mail mobility@epralima.pt
Website www.epralima.pt
Contact person Céu Branco
Tutor/mentor Manuel Viana
Telephone/fax +35 258 480 120
E-mail mobility@epralima.pt
Contact details of the learner
Name Ekain
Address Ugalde
Telephone/fax +34 946 835 8343
E-mail ekain.ugalde@gmail.com
Date of birth (04/03/1993)
Please tick  ☒ Male


Contact details of parents or legal guardian of the learner, if applicable
If an intermediary organisation is involved, please provide contact details
Name of organisation
Contact person
11.            Duration of the learning period abroad
Start date of the training abroad (01/03/2017)
End date of the training abroad (31/05/2017)
Length of time abroad 12 weeks
12.            The qualification being taken by the learner – including information on the learner’s progress (knowledge, skills and competence  already acquired)
Title of the qualification being taken by the learner (please also provide the title in the language of the partnership, if appropriate) Technician in cookery and gastronomy
EQF level (if appropriate) 3
NQF level (if appropriate)
Information on the learner‘s progress in relation to the learning pathway (Information to indicate acquired knowledge, skills, competence could be included in an annex ) The learner is attending to the the first year of the course.
Enclosures in annex – please tick as appropriate  Europass Certificate Supplement

☒ Europass CV

☒ Europass Mobility

☒ Europass Language Passport

European Skills Passport

☒ (Unit[s] of) learning outcomes already acquired by the learner

Other: (please specify)

13.            Description of the learning outcomes to be achieved during mobility
Title of unit(s)/groups of learning outcomes/parts of units to be acquired Raw Material
Number of ECVET points to be acquired while abroad 6 ECVET Credit Points
Learning outcomes to be achieved Key technical outcome 1: Pre-processesing raw food when cooking, selecting and applying techniques of handling, cleaning, cutting and/or dishing out according to its application or use.


The Learner knows and understands:

§ Different techniques for pre-process of raw food and the different equipment, utensils and tools

§ Calculate yields for each foodstuff

§ Basic cuts

§ Specific cuts

§ Intermediate preservation procedures

§ Safety and environmental protection regulations


The Learner is able to:

§ Clean raw ingredients and carry out preliminary preparations

§ Follow the procedure for weighing, preparing and cleaning using the right equipment, utensils and tools

§ Carry out techniques to obtain specific cuts

§ Perform intermediate preservation procedures taking into account the requirements of the various ingredients and subsequent use


The learner pre-processes raw food when cooking, selecting and applying techniques of handling, cleaning, cutting and/or dishing out according to its application or use by:

·     Applying the right technique to each ingredient, choosing the necessary equipment, utensils and tools;

·     Applying the right cut to various types of ingredients following the established procedure;

·     Linking and identifying possible applications of specific cuts for various types of ingredients;

·     Applying safety and environmental protection regulations in his/her operations.

Key technical outcome 2: Regenerating raw food selecting and applying techniques according to the characteristics of the product to be regenerated.


The Learner knows and understands:

§ Ingredient regeneration techniques

§ Equipment and techniques for regeneration

§ Safety and environmental protection regulations


The Learner is able to:

§ Identify ingredients in the kitchen with potential regeneration requirements

§ Characterise ingredient regeneration techniques


The learner regenerates raw food selecting and applying techniques according to the characteristics of the product to be regenerated by:

·      Selecting and applying suitable equipment and regeneration techniques

·       Applying safety and environmental protection regulations in his/her operations

Description of the learning activities (e.g. information on location(s) of learning, tasks to be completed and/or courses to be attended) The learner will attend to the theoretical and practical lessons for the Unit of Learning Outcome “Raw material”.
Enclosures in annex – please tick as appropriate  ☒ Description of unit(s)/groups of learning outcomes which are the focus of the mobility

☒ Description of the learning activities

☒ Individual’s  development plan when abroad

Other: (please specify)

14.            Assessment and documentation
Person(s) responsible for assessing the learner’s performance Name: Manuel Viana
Organisation, role: EPRALIMA, tutor
Assessment of learning outcomes Date of assessment: (31/05/2017)
Performance Criteria:

Key technical outcome 1:

Pre-processesing raw food when cooking, selecting and applying techniques of handling, cleaning, cutting and/or dishing out according to its application or use.

Performance Criteria:

§   Identifies raw ingredient cleaning and preliminary preparation requirements

§   Links techniques to the specifics of ingredients, possible subsequent applications and necessary equipment, utensils and tools

§   Carries out weighing, preparation and cleaning tasks prior to cutting using equipment, utensils and tools properly and according to established procedure

§   Calculates yields for each foodstuff

§   Identifies basic cuts were characterised and their application with various types of ingredients

§   Carries out basic cut techniques according to established procedure

§   Characterises specific cuts, linking and identifying possible applications for various types of ingredients

§   Carries out techniques to obtain specific cuts according to established procedure

§   Develops intermediate preservation procedures taking into account the requirements of the various ingredients and subsequent use

§   Performs all operations taking into account health, occupational safety and environmental protection regulations.

Key technical outcome 2:

Regenerating raw food selecting and applying techniques according to the characteristics of the product to be regenerated.

Performance Criteria:

§   Identifies ingredients in the kitchen with potential regeneration requirements

§   Characterises ingredient regeneration techniques in the kitchen

§   Identifies and selects suitable equipment and techniques to apply regeneration techniques

§   Carries out regeneration techniques according to established procedure

§   Performs all operations taking into account health, occupational safety and environmental protection regulations.

Methods: The teacher responsible for the unit of learning outcome “Raw material” is responsible for the evaluation methodologies and assessment of the learner’s progress and final evaluation.

The following methods and instruments will be used: practical test for the assessment of the application of knowledge, skills and competence; observation grid; assessment tool for Units of learning Outcome; Logbook; Personal Monitoring Tool; Reflective Learning Portfolio; Competencies Assessment Tool.

How and when will the assessment be recorded? Assessment Tool for Units of learning Outcome;

Competencies Assessment Tool;


Personal Registration Form;

Europass Mobility;

Europass Language Passport.

Please include  ☒ Detailed information about the assessment procedure (e.g. methods, criteria, assessment grid)

☒ Template for documenting the acquired learning outcomes (such as the learner’s transcript of record or Europass Mobility)

☒ Individual’s development plan when abroad

Other: (please specify)

15.        Validation and recognition
Person (s) responsible for validating the learning outcomes achieved abroad Name: Laura Igarzabal
Organisation, role: Goierri Eskola, Responsible of area of cookery and bakery
How will the validation process be carried out? The validation is automatically with a favourable assessment received by the receiving organization.
Recording of validated achievements Date: (15/06/2017)
Assessment Tool for Units of learning Outcome;

Competencies Assessment Tool;


Personal Registration Form;

Europass Mobility;

Europass Language Passport.

Person(s) responsible for recognising the learning outcomes achieved abroad Name: (please insert)
Organisation, role: Goierri Eskola, Responsible of area of cookery and bakery
How will the recognition be conducted? A credit transfer should take place in the framework of an organized mobility, underpinned by a Learning Agreement, credit should be validated and automatically recognized if the assessment received by the receiving organization is positive.
16.            Signatures
Home organisation/country Host organisation/country Learner
Name, role Name, role Name
Laura Igarzabal, Responsible of the area of cookery and bakery Céu Branco, Responsible of Mobility Projects Ekain Ugalde
Place, date Place, date Place, date
Ordizia, 20th February 2017 Ponte da Barca, 20th February 2017 Ordizia, 20th February 2017
If applicable: Intermediary organisation If applicable: Parent or legal guardian
Name, role Name, role
Place, date Place, date
17.            Additional information
18.            Annexes







ANNEX I – ECVET Quality Commitment

Erasmus + VET Mobility

Quality Commitment


Obligations of the Sending Organization


  • Choose the appropriate target countries and host country partners, project durations and placement content to achieve the desired learning objectives.
  • Select the participating trainees or teachers and other professionals by setting up clearly defined and transparent selection criteria.
  • Define the envisaged learning outcomes of the mobility period in terms of knowledge, skills and competence to be developed.
  • If you send learners or teachers and other professionals who face barriers to mobility, special arrangements for those individuals must be made (eg those with special learning needs or those with physical disabilities).
  • Prepare participants in collaboration with partner organizations for the practical, professional and cultural life of the host country, in particular through language training tailored to meet their occupational needs.
  • Manage the practical elements around the mobility, taking care of the organisation of travel, accommodation, necessary insurances, safety and protection, visa applications, social security, mentoring and support, preparatory visits on-site etc.
  • Establish the Learning Agreement with the participant trainee or teacher and the receiving organization to make the intended learning outcomes transparent for all parties involved.
  • Establish assessment procedures together with the receiving organization to ensure the validation and recognition of the knowledge, skills and competence acquired.
  • Establish Memoranda of Understanding between the competent bodies if you use ECVET for the mobility.
  • Establish appropriate communication channels to be put in place during the duration of the mobility and make these clear to participant and the receiving organization.
  • Establish a system of monitoring the mobility project during its duration.
  • When necessary for special learning needs or physical disabilities, use accompanying persons during the stay in the host country, taking care of practical arrangements.
  • Arrange and document together with the receiving organization, the assessment of the learning outcomes, picking up on the informal and non-formal learning where possible.  Recognize learning outcomes which were not originally planned but still achieved during the mobility.
  • Evaluate with each participant their personal and professional development following the period abroad.
  • Recognize the accrued learning outcomes through ECVET, Europass or other certificates.
  • Disseminate the results of the mobility projects as widely as possible.
  • Self-evaluate the mobility as a whole to see whether it has obtained its objectives and desired results.


Obligations of the Sending and Receiving Organizations


  • Negotiate a tailor-made training programme for each participant (if possible during the preparatory visits).
  • Define the envisaged learning outcomes of the mobility period in terms of knowledge, skills and competence to be developed.
  • Establish the Learning Agreement with the participant trainee or teacher to make the intended learning outcomes transparent for all parties involved.
  • Establish appropriate communication channels to be put in place during the duration of the mobility and make these clear to participants.
  • Agree monitoring and mentoring arrangements.
  • Evaluate the progress of the mobility on an on-going basis and take appropriate action if required.
  • Arrange and document the assessment of the learning outcomes, picking up on the informal and non-formal learning where possible.  Recognize learning outcomes which were not originally planned but still achieved during the mobility.


Obligations of the Receiving Organization


  • Foster understanding of the culture and mentality of the host country.
  • Assign to participants tasks and responsibilities to match their knowledge, skills and competence and training objectives as set out in the Learning Agreement and ensure that appropriate equipment and support is available.
  • Identify a tutor or mentor to monitor the participant’s training progress.
  • Provide practical support if required including a clear contact point for trainees that face difficulties.
  • Check the appropriate insurance cover for each participant.

Obligations of the Participant

  • Establish the Learning Agreement with the sending organisation and the receiving organization to make the intended learning outcomes transparent for all parties involved.
  • Comply with all the arrangements negotiated for the training placement and to do his/her best to make the placement a success.
  • Abide by the rules and regulations of the receiving organization, its normal working hours, code of conduct and rules of confidentiality.
  • Communicate with the sending organization and receiving organization about any problems or changes regarding the training placement.
  • Submit a report in the specified format, together with requested supporting documentation in respect of costs, at the end of the training placement.

Obligations of the Intermediary Organization


  • Select suitable receiving organizations and ensure that they are able to achieve the placement objectives
  • Provide contact details of all parties involved and ensure that final arrangements are in place prior to participants’ departure from their home country.


Sending Organization, Name, Date

Receiving Organization, Name, Date

Intermediary Organization (optional), Name, Date

Participant, Name, Date


  • This framework aims to provide:
    1. a comprehensive understanding of a Learning Agreement;
    2. points to consider in the fulfilment of a Learning Agreement;
    3. a template for a Learning Agreement;
    4. an exemplification on how to fulfil a Learning Agreement.
  • This framework is intended to be used in determining the following via the template:
    1. aims of the Learning Agreement;
    2. data of the involved parties;
    3. duration of the learning period abroad;
    4. identification of the qualification, EQF level and learning outcomes that are expected to be achieved by the learner;
    5. assessment procedures;
    6. validation and recognition procedures;
    7. additional information.
  • This framework is intended for the use of schools, public bodies and other private enterprises who participate in European mobility projects.
  • This framework is intended to be applied in the context of ECVET implementation, specifically, to validate and recognize the learning outcomes acquired by VET learners in a variety of learning contexts, such as, when learners participate in European mobility projects.
  • Phase and Stage of the Pedagogical Circuit in which the Tool should be used:

Phase 1: Before Mobility

Stage 4: Establishing Agreements