According to the ECVET European Recommendation[1], credit for learning outcomes (credit) ‘means a set of learning outcomes of an individual which have been assessed and which can be accumulated towards a qualification or transferred to other learning programmes or qualifications’.

At a European level, for ECVET implementation, the key components of a credit transfer system have been identified as units. A unit is intended to mean the elementary (or smallest) part of a curriculum, and is outcome-oriented.

Credit points express the volume of Learning Outcomes involved in each Unit of Learning Outcome and make possible the transfer and accumulation of credits, in order to accumulating learning outcomes in a view of achieve a qualification or obtain the recognition of Learning Outcomes achieved in other contexts.

Allocation of credit points to a qualification is based on using an agreement according to which 60 points are allocated to the learning outcomes expected to be achieved in a year of formal full time VET.

As specified in the ECVET European Recommendation, “for a given qualification, one formal learning context is taken as a reference and, on the basis of the convention the total number of points is assigned for that qualification. From this total, ECVET points are then allocated to each unit according to their relative weight within the qualification.[2]



Credit transfer is “the process through which learning outcomes achieved in one context can be taken into account in another context. Credit transfer is based on the processes of assessment, validation and recognition” [3].

In the context of an organized European mobility, in which a learning agreement is fulfilled, if the assessment of learning outcomes is positive, credit should be validated and automatically recognized.

The credit transfer for units can occur when individual learning pathways comprise periods of mobility, within or between different VET systems. The units for which credit is transferred should be expressed in the memorandum of understanding.

‘Credit transfer based on ECVET and applied to learning outcomes achieved in formal learning contexts should be facilitated by establishing partnerships and networks involving competent institutions, each of which is empowered, in their own setting, to award qualifications or units or to give credit for achieved learning outcomes for transfer and validation.’[4]

Image 1: Validation, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes and attribution of credits.

  1. Credit accumulation

Credit accumulation is a process through which learners can collect credits and progressively acquire qualifications. This process implies successive assessment, validation and recognition of units of learning outcome. The qualification systems define which learn­ing outcomes can be accumulated towards which qualification and how learning outcomes are as­sessed and validated. A given qualification can has some units of learning outcome in comma with another qualification, however, the value of credit points of the unit can be different from one qualification to another.

The principle of credit accumulation is possible because the same learning outcomes may be achieved through different learning pathways.

Accumulation of credit is decided by the competent institution responsible for the award of the qualification. When the learner has accumulated the credit required and when all the conditions for the award of the qualification are fulfilled, the learner is awarded the qualification.

It is possible to combine the assessment for each unit of learning outcome and the consequent accumulation of units with a final assessment. The role of such final assessment is to verify that learners can combine the learning outcomes achieved in different units in view of performing complex tasks or developing products/ projects.[5]

Considering that units are achieved by learners, credit for the units of learning outcome already achieved can be recorded and accumulated/capitalized towards the award of the required qualification.

Provisions are specified to establish the period of validity of awarded units which a person can use credit allocated to contribute to the requirements for a whole (where possible) or partial qualification. These provisions are determined by the competent body responsible for the qualification or its implementation.[6]


 Cedefop; Coles, M.; Oates, T. (2005). European reference levels for education and training: promoting credit transfer and mutual trust. Etude commandée par la Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, Angleterre. Luxembourg: Office des publications. Cedefop panorama series; n° 109. http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/pan/2005_5146_en.pdf

Cedefop (2012a). The development of ECVET in Europe (2011). Luxembourg: Office des publications. Document de travail du Cedefop; n° 14. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/6114_en.pdf

Commission européenne (2011). Utiliser ECVET pour la mobilité géographique: partie II du guide des utilisateurs ECVET. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/2011-08-02_ECVET_Users_Guide_MobilityFinal.pdf

European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture (2005). European Credit System for VET (ECVET) Technical Specifications (Report of the Credit Transfer Technical Working Group). Brussels: Credit Transfer Technical Working Group, 2005.

European Parliament; Council of the European Union (2009). Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). Official Journal of the European Union. 2009/C 155/02), pp. 11-18.

Parlement européen; Conseil de l’Union européenne (2009). Recommandation du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 18 juin 2009 établissant le système européen de crédit d’apprentissages pour l’enseignement et la formation (ECVET). Journal officiel de l’Union européenne, C155, 08.07.09, pp. 11-18.


Union européenne (2011). Using learning outcomes: European qualifications framework series: Note 4. Luxembourg: Office des publications.










  • This framework aims to provide:
    1. a description of a Credit System;
    2. information on allocation of Credit Points to Qualifications and Units;
    3. information on credit transfer;
    4. information on credit accumulation.
  • This framework is intended to be used in determining:
    1. Credit Points to Qualifications and Units of Learning Outcome, and credit transfer and accumulation.
  • This framework is intended for the use of schools, public bodies and other private enterprises who participate in European mobility projects.
  • This framework is intended to be applied in the context of ECVET implementation, specifically, to validate and recognize the learning outcomes acquired by VET learners in a variety of learning contexts, such as, when learners participate in European mobility projects.
  • Phase and Stage of the Pedagogical Circuit in which the Framework should be used:
    • Phase 1: Before Mobility
    • Stage 2: Preparing the Recognition Process

[1] Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).

[2] Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).

[3] https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2009:155:0011:0018:EN:PDF

[4] Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training.

[5] http://www.ecvet-secretariat.eu/de/system/files/documents/14/questions-answers-about-ecvet-21/04/2010.pdf

[6] European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture (2005). European Credit System for VET (ECVET) Technical Specifications (Report of the Credit Transfer Technical Working Group). Brussels: Credit Transfer Technical Working Group, 2005.